Maddie and I spent the weekend in NL because I didn't want to sit home and do nothing for three days, especially considering it was going to be so cold and we'd be cooped up inside.
Friday night we went shopping at Sam's Club, and the kid had a blast wandering around the huge store. She kept looking up at the tall ceiling, running around, and sitting down on the ledge in front of the freezer cases, kind of like when she sits in Grandma Schaefer's fridge.

Saturday morning we had a play date with three of my friends (Andrea, Natosha and Kim) who all had babies within five days of each other at the end of September/beginning of October. There wasn't much playing going on, but I'm sure Maddie would have been all about showing them how to use their toys had they been awake longer! It was nice catching up with my friends, and of course I enjoyed seeing their babies.
After Maddie's nap, we went over to Kasey and Teasha's house to play with Treston. He's closer to her age – about four and a half months older – and he shared his toys and pretzels nicely with her. I'm waiting for Teasha to post some pics on Facebook, because I think Kasey took some good ones of the two of them playing in the basement. Teasha just sent me a message on Facebook saying Treston has been asking, "Where's Maddie? Where's Maddie's grandma?" since we left! Too cute!
This is me last Friday, at 28 weeks, before I got my hair trimmed and roots done! ;-)

I can't believe I potentially have 12-plus weeks of growing to do. I always think I'm about the same size I was at this gestation with Maddie, and then I look back at pictures and realize I'm wrong. I'm definitely still bigger this time around. My mom said the other week, "Well, maybe your growing will slow down soon." Um, yeah. Because that happens in late pregnancy!
do you have twins in that belly?! very cute pic and maddy is getting so big!